JOHN CHECCO President Emeritus for the New York Metro lnfraGard Members Alliance(InfraGard纽约区名誉主席) The CCSK reflects both the operational knowledge of the CCM (Cloud Controls Matrix) as well as the strategic goals for the CSA. The CCM itself is a superset of many existing security control standards, which makes the CCSK all the more relevant to today's security environment. 云安全知识认证CCSK既反映了CCM(云控制矩阵)的操作性知识,又反映了CSA的战略目标。CCM本身是许多现有安全控制标准的超集,这使得学员学习CCSK后,相关知识更加适用于当今的安全环境。 |
JERRY ARCHER SVP and Chief Security Officer for Sallie Mae (Sallie Mae高级副总裁兼首席安全官) The CSA, in providing a set of goals through the CCSK, is challenging security practitioners to become the cloud thought-leaders we need today and tomorrow to ensure safe and secure cloud environments. In developing the CCSK, CSA is setting the bar' for security professionals and providing business executives a means to gauge the opinions and rhetoric associated with security in the cloud. CSA通过CCSK设定一系列目标,使安全从业人员成为今天和未来所需的云计算思想领袖,以确保云环境的安全。在CCSK课程的开发过程中,CSA为安全专业人员设定了标准,并为企业高管提供了评估云安全情况相关的方法。 |
PATRICK HARDING CTO, Ping ldentity(Ping Identity 的首席技术官) With CCSK certification, professionals who have Cloud Computing responsibilities can demonstrate thorough Cloud security knowledge based on the CSA's catalogue of security best practices. 获得CCSK认证,从事云计算相关工作的专业人员可以展示他们基于CSA最佳实践的全面的云安全知识。 |
考试说明: CCSK 是限时考试,题型为单选题和判断题,共60道题,必须在90分钟内完成. 考生获得80%以上的成绩才能通过考试。 87%的考题基于 CSA 云安全指南 v4,7%基于 CSA的云控制矩阵CCM 3.0.1 ,6%基于 ENISA 报告. 准备CCSK最好的办法是彻底阅读并理解这三个文件。 |